integration of ERP, CRM

Assist Companies in Creating Management Wealth

  1. Optimize the business evaluation process and shorten the lead time for quotation, model selection and inventory control.
  2. Provide sales tools to reduce participation costs and maximize marketing benefits.
  3. Create customer service experience, increase independent respond to problems and quickly eliminate them to increase repurchase rates.
  4. Improve customer service experience, increase the purchase rate of maintenance products, and create additional revenue from service sales.
  5. Reduce the workload of the customer service department and accelerate the efficiency of internal after-sales service.
  6. Reduce the cost of enterprise personnel flow, manage data in the cloud, and transfer the tasks with only a few seconds.
During the business development with the App, the business team shows the product advantages to potential customers, and records the details and specifications of the customer's customized requirements in real time, aggregates the inquiry requirements, conducts the internal quotation evaluation process, and optimizes and shortens the internal quotation process.

Scenarios of Usage


During the business development with the App, the business team shows the product advantages to potential customers, and records the details and specifications of the customer's customized requirements in real time, aggregates the inquiry requirements, conducts the internal quotation evaluation process, and optimizes and shortens the internal quotation process.

End users can immediately respond to product problems in the App, and troubleshoot independently through FAQs; they can also use the App to submit repair applications to track the progress of the service sales in real time and improve service satisfaction.

End users can immediately respond to product problems in the App, and troubleshoot independently through FAQs; they can also use the App to submit repair applications to track the progress of the service sales in real time and improve service satisfaction.

The sales service team dispatches works online and arranges to deal with end-
user problems in real time. The App supports the filling of electronic maintenance orders and completes electronic signatures at the same time, which fully digitizes the overall process and improves maintenance processing efficiency.

The sales service team dispatches works online and arranges to deal with end- user problems in real time. The App supports the filling of electronic maintenance orders and completes electronic signatures at the same time, which fully digitizes the overall process and improves maintenance processing efficiency.

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